Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Kriteria Design Piping Di Area Pump

Pump, atau Pompa, secara umum mempunyai dua nozle utama, yaitu Suction dan Discharge. Dalam proses perencanaan piping system di area pompa ini, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, baik secara general maupun secara lebih khusus tergantung “service fluida” nya.
Secara umum yang perlu diperhatikan, tidak terbatas dengan daftar ini saja, yaitu:

  1. Suction Piping haruslah diusahakan sependek mungkin dengan jumlah fitting yang minimum.
  2. Pipe Support yang pertama pada pipa diusahakan pada pondasi pompa, sehingga mencegah terjadinya perbedaan penurunan permukaan tanah yang umum terjadi. Jadi, diusahakan pondasi pipe support integral dengan pondasi pompa, dengan kata lain support pertama haruslah sedekat mungkin ke nozzle pompa.
  3. Hindari “overhead loops” di piping jika mungkin, jika tak terhindarkan,pasang Vent di High Point.
  4. Untuk pompa dengan nozzle yang berada di samping, maka Suction yang vertical sangat dianjurkan
  5. Jika space tidak mencukupi pemasangan 3 kali diameter pipa requirement, pasang Vertical vane di center of LR 90 Elbow. Hal ini harus di check oleh Mechanical Engineer atau Process Engineer dan juga Vendor
  6. Elbow 90 Deg harus dipasang antara Valve dan pompa, seperti gambar dibawah.
  7. Perlu atau tidaknya Drain Valve sangat tergantung jenis fluida yang mengalir.
  8. Temporary Strainer ditempatkan pada posisi yang lebih disukai, seperti pada gambar dibawah. Alternative, bisa ditempatkan di Valve Downstream Flange dengan strainer mengarah ke Pump atau pada pump nozzle dengan strainer mengarah menjauhi pump. Check ke Process Engineer atau Mechanical Engineer jika ingin memasang Strainer di Nozzle.
  9. Check clearance of strainer projecting terhadap Elbow 90 Deg.
  10. Gunakan Concentric Reducer di Suction yang vertical jika disetujui oleh Process atau Mechanical Engineer. Jika tidak, gunakan exccentric bottom flat reducer.
  11. Jika Valve terletak dekat ke Pump, maka gunakan Flat Type Temporary Strainer yang bisa diselipkan di Flanged joint Downstream end of Valve.
  12. Gambar 1 sampai 5, adalah untuk End or Side Suction Pumps, sedangkan gambar 5 adalah untuk Side Suction Pumps only.
  13. Semua Discharge Line mesti dilengkapi dengan Check Valve. Jika ada kemungkinan terjadinya Hydraulic Shock pada system, maka digunakan Valve type “Non-Slamming Type Check Valve”, dan loading support mesti di check.
  14. Semua Valves disekitar pump mesti mudah di akses untuk “Hand Operation” tanpa menggunakan “Chain or Extend into operational passageways”.
  15. Temporary Strainer type “Bath Tub” mesti dipertimbangkan penggunaanya jika kemungkinan akan sulit untuk di “re-alignment” dengan Nozzle pompa.
  16. Valve di Discharge line mesti dipasang sedekat mungkin dengan Nozzle.
  17. harus disediakan daerah bebas diatas “Caisson PUmp” untuk kemudahan penarikan kabel dan pompa.
  18. Unutk pompa jenis reciprocating, gunakan pipe support type Clamp, jangan type Welded demi menghindari terjadinya “Fatique Fracture” pada support weld. Design mesti sedemikian sehingga pistons dapat dikeluarkan tanpa menggangu system piping


API Standard: Pengelompokan Berdasarkan Penggunaan

API Refining Documents yang berhubungan dengan dengan Pressure Equipment:

  1. API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration
  2. API 530: Fired Heater Tubes
  3. API 570: Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration, Rerating of In-Service Piping Systems.
  4. API 571: Conditions Casuing Failure
  5. API 572: Inspection of Pressure Vessel.
  6. API 573: Inspection of Fired Boilers and Heaters.
  7. API 574: Inspection of Piping, Tubing, Valves and Fittings.
  8. API 575: Inspection of Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks.
  9. API 576: Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices.
  10. API 577: Welding Inspections.
  11. API 578: Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems.
  12. API 579: Fitness-for-Services.
  13. API 581: Base Resource Document-Risk Based Inspection.
  14. API 582: Recommended Practice and Supplementary Welding Guidelines for The Chemical, Oil, and Gas Industries.
  15. API 598: Valve Inspection and Test.
  16. API 610: Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical and Gas Industry Services.
  17. API 611: General Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services.
  18. API 612: Special Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry services.
  19. API 613: Special Purpose Gear Unit for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry services.
  20. API 617: Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum and Gas Industry.
  21. API 618: Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services.
  22. API 619: Rotary-Type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry.
  23. API 620: Design and Construction of Large, welded, Low Pressure Storage Tank.
  24. API 650: Welded Steel Tank for Oil Storage.
  25. API 651: Cathodic Protection of Above Ground Storage Tanks.
  26. API 652: Lining of Above Ground Petroleum Storage Tanks.
  27. API 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction Code.
  28. API 674: Positive Displacement Pump – Reciprocating.
  29. API 675: Positive Displacement Pump – Controllod Volume.
  30. API 676: Positive Displacement Pump – Rotary.
  31. API 686: Machinery Installation and Installation Design.
  32. API 751: HF Acid
  33. API 850: API Standards 620, 650 and 653 Interpretations.
  34. API 920: Preventions of Brittle Fracture of Pressure Vessels.
  35. API 937: Evaluating Design Criteria for Storage Tanks with Frangible Roof Joints.
  36. API 941: Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum Refineries and Petrocehmical Plants.
  37. API 945: Avoiding Environtmental Cracking in Amine Units.
  38. API 1107: Pipe Line Maintenance Welding.
  39. API 2510: Design and Instruction of LPG Installation.
API Valve Publication:

  1. API 589: Fire Test for Evaluation of Valve Stem Packing.
  2. API 591: User Acceptance of Refinery Valves.
  3. API 594: Wafer Check Valves
  4. API 595: Cast Iron Gate Valves
  5. API 598: Valve Inspection and Testing
  6. API 599: Metal Plug Valves-Flanges and Welding Ends
  7. API 600: Steel Gate Valves, Flanges and Butt Welding Ends
  8. API 602: Compact Steel Gate Valves
  9. API 603: Class 150 Cast Corrosion Resistant Flanged End Gate Valves
  10. API 604: Ductile Iron Gate Valves, Flanged Ends
  11. API 606: Compact Steel Gate Valve, Extended Body
  12. API 607: Fire Test for Soft Seat Quarter Turn Valves
  13. API 608: Metal Valves, Flanged and Butt Welding Ends
  14. API 609: Butterfly Valves Lug Type and Wafer Type
API Pipeline Transportation Publications::

  1. API 5L: Specification for Line Pipe
  2. API 5L1: Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe
  3. API 6D: Specification of Pipeline Valves
  4. API 10E: Application of Cement Lining to Steel Tubular Goods, handling, Installation, and Joining.
  5. API 15HR: Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe.
  6. API 15LE: Specification for Polyethylene Line Pipe.
  7. API 15LP: Specification for Thermoplastic Line Pipe.
  8. API 15LR: Specification for Low Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe.
  9. API 15L4: Recommended Practice Care and Use of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Line Pipe.
  10. API 1102: Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways.
  11. API 1104: Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities.
  12. API 1109: Marking Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Facilities.
  13. API 1110: Pressure Testing of Liquid Petroleum Pipelines.
  14. API 1111: Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipeline and Riser.
  15. API 1113: Developing of Pipeline Supervisory Control Center.
  16. API 1114: Design of Soluditon-Minded Undergound Storage Facilities.
  17. API 1115: Operation of Solution-Minded Underground Facilities.
  18. API 1117: Movement of In-Servie Pipelines.
  19. API 1123: development of Public Awareness Program by Hazardoud Liquid Pipeline Operators.
  20. API 1130: Computational Pipeline Monitoring.
  21. API 1132: Effects of Oxygenated Fuels and Reformulated Diesel Fuels on Elastomer and Polymers in Pipeline/Terminal Component.
  22. API 1149: Pipeline Variable Uncertainties and Their Effect on Leak Detectability.
  23. API 1155: Evaluation Methodology of Software Based Leak Detection Systems.
  24. API 1156: Effects of Smooth and Rock Dents on Liquid Petroleum Pipelines.
  25. API 1157: Hydrostatic Test Water Treatment and Disposal Operations for Liquid Pipelines Systems.
  26. API 1158: Analysis of DOT Reprotable Incidents for hazardous Liquid Pipelines, 1986 Through 1996.
  27. API 1160: Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines.
  28. API 1161: Guidance Documents for The Qualification of Liquid Pipeline Personnel.
  29. API 2200: Repairing Crude Oil, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Product Pipelines,
API Overpressure Protection Publications:

  1. API 11V7: Repair, testing, and Setting Gas Lift Vlaves.
  2. API 520: Sizing, selection, and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices in Refineries.
  3. API 521: Guide for Pressure Relieving and Depressurizing System.
  4. API 526: Flanged Steel Safety Relief Valves.
  5. API 527: Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves with Metal-to-Metal Seats.
  6. API 2000: Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks. Non-Refrigerated and Refrigerated. 